Maybe your business shouldn't look like you envisioned. 
Maybe it should
be more.

But it may not be the “more” everyone in the online business world is touting right now.

meet melissa

You envisioned building a thriving, profitable business that would bring you the ultimate level of freedom and fulfillment in your everyday life, whatever that looks like for you.

In fact, maybe you have achieved that! To some degree, anyway. But you still can’t help but feel like you’re wanting... even more.

More Time Freedom

to spend with your kiddos and your spouse.

More Location Freedom 

to take those spontaneous trips to the beach.

More Financial Freedom 

to make all of these things possible on a consistent basis.

But as you dive into the world of online business, the MORE that clutters your vision isn’t the one you originally had in mind.

Sure, you started your business because you wanted more...

The moment you decided to launch your business, you had one big thing in mind: Freedom.

“I’m grateful to have clients… but shouldn’t I be making more for how much I’m working?”

“I know I have years of experience in what I do… but who am I to say I have any sorta expertise to offer?”

And with wanting more, comes the weird guilt...

Even if you’re technically doing “just fine” in your business, maybe it still doesn’t feel like it’s enough.

It’s like a constant internal battle of:

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“I’m relieved to not be at my corporate job anymore… but shouldn’t I be happier inside my own business?!”

And yet you’re not necessarily in it to become another 7-figure business-owner, but you also know that you didn’t launch your business for it to only be going “just fine,” either.

And then, you can’t help but wonder if it’s a systems problem? A glitch in your processes? If another course or certification is the answer to reaching that next step in your business?

But what if it’s not your systems that need a reset? You’re already a connoisseur of knowledge… this isn’t the problem.

that's where i come in

What if it's actually your definition of success that needs a revamp?

Business Alignment Strategist, Certified Kolbe™ Consultant, Human Design Enthusiast & Certified Mindset Coach

I'm here to help you realign your definition of success and lead your business like never before!

Hey, I'm Melissa

as seen in:

My definition of success has always been built on the foundation of freedom.

It was never about becoming a multi-millionaire, or building an empire.

It was to make a life of freedom.

It wasn’t until I met my husband on eHarmony that I realized true freedom for me would look like leaving my 6-figure corporate job to make $12/hour as a Virtual Assistant.

Yep! MORE freedom to me looked like making less (for the time being, anyway).

Going from 6 figures to $12/hour may look more like falling backwards than moving toward success, but this short-term sacrifice set me up for long-term success.

While some may have seen this as an unreasonable compromise, I took it as an opportunity to start new. AND as a source of motivation to work my way back up, closer to my dream of freedom.

It allowed me to work from anywhere, travel with my military husband, and build an online business that I knew could eventually provide the ultimate time freedom, location freedom, and money freedom in my life—with the help of a lot of grit, perseverance, and an “I-can-do-anything” attitude.

​​Except, I quickly became too reliant on these things, working myself into the ground, not knowing I didn’t have to do it all alone.

And not only that, but I was also operating from a scarcity mindset.

Starting as a Virtual Assistant, I eventually moved into becoming a certified Online Business Manager, and quickly booked out well in advance—so much that other OBMs were asking me to coach them to grow their own businesses! Awesome, right? Maybe on paper, but there was a problem…

I had a severe case of imposter syndrome.

Even with the successful online business I’d built, plus my years of experience teaching others (even at the collegiate level!) I felt like I wasn’t qualified or had been in business long enough to be a coach or consultant for other business-owners.

What I did feel like was a new mom and a military wife who had a dream she had to squeeze into the cracks between breastfeeding and doing all the things for clients.

On top of all that, I thought I needed to do even MORE (another certification, another course, another program) to finally beat my imposter syndrome and feel ready to pivot my OBM business for coaching—something I truly wanted to do, and had demand for, but didn’t feel ready for that shift.

Turns out I didn’t need to do more. I needed someone to help me realize I already had everything I needed to start right now.

I may have taken the hard road to get to where I’m at in business today, but that does NOT mean it was the right way or the best way.

In fact, there is a much more sustainable way to do it. And turns out, you don’t have to do it alone, either.

You already have a proof of concept.

You have the clients, skills, and know-how to reach your level of success. Now, you just need to see it, feel it, and believe it for yourself!

Whether you’re seeking mindset support to bring more clarity, confidence, and fulfillment in your business moving forward, or you’re ready to streamline your business with better systems and processes that align with your vision for your business, we’ll work together to build the momentum you need to ensure your business is looking EXACTLY as you envisioned it—and then some!

get to know melissa

Rapid Fire Questions

8-3-5-3 (the Strategist)

What's your Kolbe-A?

At the beach, in the mountains, or in our RV.

Where can we find you on the weekends?

five, and counting. Can we say “Military Spouse”?

How Many States Have You Lived In?

Instagram and facebook

Where Do You Mostly Hang Out Online?

bad grammar

What's Your Pet Peeve?


Morning Person or Night Owl?


Where Did You Meet Your Husband?

on a boat in mexico

Where Did You Get Married?

work with me

Ready to carve your path to more fulfillment & freedom in your business?

My story is not one of overnight success, or things falling easily into place to build a multiple 6-figures business.

It's one of tenacity, resilience, and learning to roll with the punches as a mompreneur.

If this shows you anything, I hope it’s that while the journey will never be “easy,” it will most definitely be worth it. Whether you're a busy mom, ready to pivot your business, or just someone trying to shatter the shoulds in your life, it doesn’t have to be as hard as I made it, or as you’re making it right now.

It’s time for you to show up for yourself and put in the work to shift your mindset, amplify your potential, and finally create a business that supports your dreams. You in?

let's work together

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